Yes!....that is what we are waiting for...this is the government that we choose and we support no matter what or who are the representatives of BN. We kenyah Badeng is not a opposition since we are moving down to Long Dungan and now in Data Kakus. And what we expect now is the speed of the project delivery.
Lets see what happen to most of the federal or state governement project around us....the amount of money in the first point is very large but at the end it is very little. Why?....why all this things happens?...let say the project cost 2 millions...the government approved 2 millions,...given to main contractors,...sub con to another and more and more the end the amount reduced to half....who will suffer?..all the tax payers suffer...We don't want this things to happen to our road upgrading project....
The speed of delivery of the project should be taken into serious considerations. We do not want the project half way through and the contractors retreat.....and we do not want to see the workmanship very poor even though the speed of the project are very fast. What we want is the quality of road is within standard and can be used for longer period....common lets some responsible parties bark it up so it will be real ASAP!!!